It’s Getting Hot in Here (kind of)

Winter is finally melting away here in Brooklyn as the days get longer and, more importantly, warmer. It’s time to thaw out this website.

Since the start of 2011 Bad Feather has been quite busy. On top of our regular work load and usual influx of new year project proposals, we’ve been moving. After what was a good 3.5 year run at the Old American Can Factory, we decided it was time to move on. The Fall of 2010 seemed to slide by with little time for studio hunting (Did you just get a headache when you thought about New York City real estate? We don’t blame you). So when an opportunity for a 3 month studio sublet in DUMBO came to our attention, we took it. We thought we’d buy ourselves some time and check out the neighborhood as a potential suitor for Bad Feather.

Now for the drama. It turns out the artist whose studio we agreed to sublet failed to mention one very important detail until the last minute – the space is unheated. We admit, we were excited by the sweeping views and didn’t ask about this seemingly unimportant detail (silly us thinking heat was a given). Shortly after we rang in the new year unpacking boxes, we realized it was far too cold of a space to work in during what seemed to be one of the harshest NYC winters we’ve had in a while. So for the past few months we’ve kept our eyes on the forecast, hopeful for temperatures above freezing, and have been alternately bundling up and heading over to DUMBO to fire up space heaters or hunkering down to work remotely from our apartment.

Since January we’ve felt a bit like passengers aboard the Battlestar Galactica, wandering aimlessly in search of a new home. Go ahead and laugh at that geeky reference and then tell us you don’t think Edward James Olmos is a total bad ass. It was stressful for a time not knowing were we would finally set up permanent shop, and we’ve been eager for a return to routine, not to mention an end to the hassle of shuffling servers and equipment. But the good news at the end of this saga is that we’ve finally found earth a new studio, and it may just be a gem. We’re comfortable now (current forecast: a whopping 48 degrees) in our DUMBO outpost where we’ll remain through the end of this month. And then we’ll begin the transition with hopes of being settled into our future home later this Spring. Photos and the continuing tale of our journey to come…

For now, we’ll leave you with this photo we took from our roof in DUMBO. Nothing like a great view to warm your heart while your butt is freezing:

View from the studio roof in Dumbo