That’s right, Bad Feather’s logo for the Poetry Project was selected to be published in the 7th volume of LogoLounge, and we just got our hands on a copy. LogoLounge is a comprehensive logo design book series that celebrates the best identity work from around the world. Louise Fili, a master of handcrafted typography, was one of the judges for this volume, so we’re super flattered to have been included in the calligraphy collection.
Launch: Fraenkel Gallery Website
Nearly a year in the works, we’re pretty darn proud to be the makers of the new Fraenkel Gallery website. Established in 1979, Fraenkel Gallery is a San Francisco photography gallery that features work by artists spanning from early masters to present day, including Lee Friedlander, Walker Evans, Edward Weston, Diane Arbus, Hiroshi Sugimoto and many more. The gallery has also published an extensive collection of books, including artist monographs and exhibition catalogs.
In the development of this heavily customized WordPress-driven website, we explored and pushed the database capabilities to the max in order to dynamically display the gallery’s extensive collection of artist works, exhibitions and publications. is intended to serve as a growing archive for the gallery as well as a resource for the history of photography and its relation to other arts.
Oh, and it’s responsive! Over the past year, Bad Feather has adapted its design practices to develop web layouts that adapt and respond to the ever-increasing range of device sizes and aspect ratios. The website looks beautiful on your smart phone, tablet or desktop web browser.
Process: We Love Edging
Earlier this year we had the opportunity to use a print process we absolutely love called edging. The edges of trimmed cards are painted to add a splash of color and dimensionality. Here’s a great article that describes the process in detail.
We’ve been developing the look of the B Floral brand through a series of print marketing pieces over the past few years and we wanted to do a little little something special for their annual party. B Floral loves pink, but we chose a touch of their secondary color, green, for the edge of these gorgeous, over-sized invitation cards.
JMI approached us to refresh their brand collateral to reflect the younger and more contemporary direction of their agency. The previous stationery had entire surfaces flooded with color, but we thought edging would be the perfect nod to their bold past while establishing a sleek and minimal aesthetic moving forward.
And of course we can’t talk about print processes without giving a shout out to one of our favorite collaborators, Sarah Riegelmann, who helps us bring many of our most beautiful print projects to life.
Looking Back Before Charging Ahead
Can you believe it’s 2012? Or twenty twelve if you prefer. It’s been a whirlwind of a year for Bad Feather. Looking back it’s hard to believe how much we’ve done.
We moved our operations from the Gowanus Canal to DUMBO before nestling into a sunlit studio atop a brownstone in Park Slope. By April we were up and running on some great new projects and Heather was featured in the CRAVE NYC Guide among “more than 100 women you need to know”. Summer slipped by in a haze of web design and development, but not before we received word that the identity we designed for the Poetry Project was chosen for LogoLounge Volume 7, due out in the Summer of 2012. In September Brad stepped back into his teaching shoes and created “Fundamentals of Web Design”, a new class in the design curriculum of the Fordham University Visual Arts Department. The Fall saw the launch of several new websites to add to the queue of great projects from 2011.
If you haven’t had a look at our work in a while, check it out. We’ve had the opportunity to work with some truly incredible arts & culture and non-profit organizations over the past year and there are still more portfolio updates to come.
We’re not really ones for resolutions, but we are excited about the possibilities that 2012 holds. After all, we’re only getting badder.
Back to School Reading List
September is back-to-school month, and this year Brad is going back to school in a new role. He’s teaching a brand spanking new ‘Intro to Web Design’ Class in the Visual Arts Department of Fordham University’s Lincoln Center campus. For the past few weeks, in the development of a curriculum and lesson plans, we’ve been thinking about things like the balance between design and code, the importance of a foundation in web standards, and most of all, what to recommend for reading.
Here’s our ‘Intro to Web Design’ reading list for this semester’s new web designers:
- Speaking in Styles: Fundamentals of CSS for Web Designers
, Jason Cranford Teague
- Designing with Web Standards (3rd Edition)
, Jeffrey Zeldman and Ethan Marcotte
- Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site Design
, Brian Miller
- CSS: The Definitive Guide
, Eric Meyer
- HTML & XHTML Pocket Reference: Quick, Comprehensive, Indispensible (Pocket Reference (O’Reilly))
, Jennifer Niederst Robbins
Here are some additional getting-started, web-based references:
Once you’ve got the fundamentals under your belt, we recommend you dig a little deeper. Study up on CSS3, HTML5, Web Typography, and our new personal favorite, Responsive Web Design. Below are some of Brad’s top reads on these subjects:
Continue reading →
Heather Featured in CRAVE NYC
CRAVE is a network of cool and inspiring women that hosts business chats, symposiums, and fabulous parties to connect and promote female “entreprenesses”. Since 2002, the CRAVE company has been publishing CRAVE guides in prominent US and international cities. They recently launched the 1st NYC edition.
Heather and Bad Feather were invited to be featured among “more than 100 women you need to know” in the new CRAVE NYC Guide. Look for the books, which will be sold in Barnes & Noble stores and by other NYC retailers. In the meantime, you can contact us to purchase a copy.
Operation Gastronomia: We’re Hungry
Here at Bad Feather we finally took pause from our regular workload, much of which involves designing and building other peoples’ websites (resisting urge to make O.P.P. joke… we recently tallied 30! custom WordPress sites) to create one of our own: A long discussed, but never prioritized project – Heather’s food blog.
This week we proudly launched Let’s call this a beta version, as there are of course many plans for added plugins and design embellishments, but Heather is cooking up a storm as usual and it was time to put her content out into the world.
So now you know what we’re eating. Check it out, and follow Heather’s twitter stream @opgastronomia for more tasty bits. And most important of all, buon appetito!
Speed Round: What the heck have we been up to?
Spring SPRUNG! And we enjoyed it in Dumbo.
We made several new WordPress sites for some cool projects, including this one.
We moved! Once and for all into our new, permanent home in Park Slope (photos and details to come).
We took a hard earned break and went to Italia! Heather kept a journal about it here.
And now? Well, we’ve got some killer projects underway and we hope to update the portfolio on this site with lots of great new work soon.
We’re also ready to initiate a summer internship, so if you are, or know of, a smart young designer, send your portfolio and a little something about yourself to .
It’s Getting Hot in Here (kind of)
Winter is finally melting away here in Brooklyn as the days get longer and, more importantly, warmer. It’s time to thaw out this website.
Since the start of 2011 Bad Feather has been quite busy. On top of our regular work load and usual influx of new year project proposals, we’ve been moving. After what was a good 3.5 year run at the Old American Can Factory, we decided it was time to move on. The Fall of 2010 seemed to slide by with little time for studio hunting (Did you just get a headache when you thought about New York City real estate? We don’t blame you). So when an opportunity for a 3 month studio sublet in DUMBO came to our attention, we took it. We thought we’d buy ourselves some time and check out the neighborhood as a potential suitor for Bad Feather.
Now for the drama. It turns out the artist whose studio we agreed to sublet failed to mention one very important detail until the last minute – the space is unheated. We admit, we were excited by the sweeping views and didn’t ask about this seemingly unimportant detail (silly us thinking heat was a given). Shortly after we rang in the new year unpacking boxes, we realized it was far too cold of a space to work in during what seemed to be one of the harshest NYC winters we’ve had in a while. So for the past few months we’ve kept our eyes on the forecast, hopeful for temperatures above freezing, and have been alternately bundling up and heading over to DUMBO to fire up space heaters or hunkering down to work remotely from our apartment.
Since January we’ve felt a bit like passengers aboard the Battlestar Galactica, wandering aimlessly in search of a new home. Go ahead and laugh at that geeky reference and then tell us you don’t think Edward James Olmos is a total bad ass. It was stressful for a time not knowing were we would finally set up permanent shop, and we’ve been eager for a return to routine, not to mention an end to the hassle of shuffling servers and equipment. But the good news at the end of this saga is that we’ve finally found earth a new studio, and it may just be a gem. We’re comfortable now (current forecast: a whopping 48 degrees) in our DUMBO outpost where we’ll remain through the end of this month. And then we’ll begin the transition with hopes of being settled into our future home later this Spring. Photos and the continuing tale of our journey to come…
For now, we’ll leave you with this photo we took from our roof in DUMBO. Nothing like a great view to warm your heart while your butt is freezing:
Print Magazine 2010 Regional Design Annual
Bad Feather is psyched to announce that we’re in the 2010 Regional Design Annual from Print Magazine.
Our self-mailing invitation/poster for Sonic Union’s industry launch party was selected for this annual review of award-winning print design work.
As you might imagine, New York City puts up some tough competition as a region. We’re flattered to have been included. Congrats to all the winners!
Bad Feather Gets Freaky
Last week we proudly launched Freakonomics Radio, produced in partnership with American Public Media’s Marketplace and WNYC, is a project from the authors of the best selling Freakonomics books that includes a weekly podcast, regular segments on Marketplace, and one-hour specials to be broadcast on public-radio stations across the country. Bad Feather designed and developed the website as a place for listers to experience this content as well as a wealth of web extras, including additional audio and articles.
It was an exciting challenge for us to bring a fresh look to this new piece of the well-known Freakonomics empire. In addition to the website design, we also had an opportunity to further develop the branding specific to Freakonomics Radio through the design of a web ad campaign and promotional graphics for the iTunes store.
And if that’s not enough for you, Bad Feather designed illustrated charts and this fancy infographic to accompany the inaugural content at the launch of the website. This included a new podcast, marketplace segment and a web extra, all exploring the hidden side of major league baseball stats.
During our involvement in the project we listened to all the podcasts (there’s plenty of great archival content to be consumed on the site) and can definitely count ourselves among the many fans. Check out for yourself, and if you like what you hear, subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and check back for more.
What Does Web Design Have to Do with Farming?
Over the past year we’ve been working on a web-based project for a man who doesn’t have a personal email address and never uses the internet: our friend and farmer, Ray Bradley. Since leaving his career as a chef for farming more than 10 years ago, Ray has been profiled by everyone from enthusiastic bloggers to the New York Times (it’s frequently mentioned that he’s a childhood friend and former sous chef of David Bouley). But even with great press and a longtime, loyal community of supporters, farming is a tough gig. Ray can use all the help he can get to build his customer base and sell all the delicious produce and products he raises and then treks from New Paltz to NYC twice a week.
We began collaborating almost a year ago with Ray’s girlfriend, Iris Kimberg (who happens to be a bit of a marketing maven), to promote Bradley Farm. Starting with a coming soon site and some good old mailing list sign-up sheets at the market, we collected emails addresses and began sending a weekly newsletter. Over the past 6 months the audience has grown to nearly 500 green market customers who are receiving notice of what’s coming to market and the occasional recipe, photo, or story from the farm. Ray is delighted with the positive response to the emails and when people show up at the farm stand telling him how much they were looking forward to those strawberries or how much they loved the photos of the chicken coop, it makes everyone feel more connected.
Last month we launched, a WordPress site with info about Bradley Farm and a blog that hosts both news and press. The annual farm festival is coming up and we’re experimenting with selling tickets and fundraiser raffles online and will soon be taking pre-orders for Bradley Farm pork. All of our marketing efforts have been a work in progress and the website and its content will continue to evolve as the farm and its offerings also evolve with each season. We’ve talked about setting Ray up with a computer he can check emails on from the farm, and although he’s interested, he’s in no hurry to make that leap. In the meantime, he relays the weeks’ bounty to Iris who emails it to his customers.
This was a great summer for Bradley Farm’s famous heirloom tomatoes, so we can’t take too much credit for bringing people back week after week, but we do feel a bit proud when we show up at a crowded market stall each Saturday. it’s been a rewarding experience for us to utilize new media tools to help educate people about their food and the man who works to grow it. For more info, visit