Operation Gastronomia: We’re Hungry

Here at Bad Feather we finally took pause from our regular workload, much of which involves designing and building other peoples’ websites (resisting urge to make O.P.P. joke… we recently tallied 30! custom WordPress sites) to create one of our own: A long discussed, but never prioritized project – Heather’s food blog.

This week we proudly launched OperationGastronomia.com. Let’s call this a beta version, as there are of course many plans for added plugins and design embellishments, but Heather is cooking up a storm as usual and it was time to put her content out into the world.

So now you know what we’re eating. Check it out, and follow Heather’s twitter stream @opgastronomia for more tasty bits. And most important of all, buon appetito!